Scientific Calculator

Are there scientific and graphing calculators that can be used by blind students?

Calculators have been extensively used at every educational degree. Calculators capable of carrying out statistics as well as computational calculations for science use matrices to manipulate and plot functions using graphs are beneficial for studying advanced math. Although the majority scientific calculators and graphing tools aren't accessible to those who aren't equipped with adequate sight. However, there are some alternatives that enable students with disabilities to utilize these tools successfully.

There are many talking scientific calculatorsare available However, not every calculator can be used at all levels of education. It is therefore necessary to determine all features needed from the student should ensure that the right calculator for them is chosen. Susan Osterhaus at the Texas School for the Blind has created a list of functions of various talked science calculators that may aid the decision-making process. Orion The TI-30XS Talking Scientific Calculator Orion TI-30XS MultiView Talking Scientific Calculator is a very well-known a talkative scientific calculator that may meet the requirements of a diverse variety of students.

Another alternative is to get an electronic notetaker which is portable, with advanced math features. Certain notetakers come with speech synthesis with Braille which can be refreshed and can be utilized by students who are blind to perform trigonometric and logarithmic computations. Contact the manufacturer to determine whether the scientific calculator function is built-in to the.

There are also programs available which can provide speech access to an scientific calculator application. Certain of them mimic the calculator's interface standard and some offer an audio interface for graphs. The program, dubbed"the Audio Graphing Calculator (AGC) is an example of a user-friendly Windows-based software with a user-friendly interface that features interactive graphing calculator that is capable of displaying graphs in a visual manner as well as through an audio-encoded graph.

For more information on accessibility the scientific and graphing calculators see the accessible Calculators by the GeorgiaTech Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA).

To find out more information about accessible math , consult our Knowledge Base articles What are the best ways to develop Braille math resources? Why is accessible math vital?


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